7171 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46240

A Cooperative Preschool Established in 1960



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The child has one intuitive aim: self development

Job Opening Kindergarten Spanish Teacher

Immediate Opening: Kindergarten Spanish Teacher

Immediate Opening:

Looking for a Spanish Teacher for once-weekly instruction with our Kindergarten class. The Spanish Teacher is responsible to work with the Kindergarten Teacher to create age-appropriate, interactive lessons for students. The Spanish Instructor will present two identical 30-minute lessons back-to-back.
$50 per week salary
Experience in early childhood education or elementary education required
Days of instruction are negotiable with the Kindergarten Teacher, but will be on Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
All adults are required to wear a mask while on school property.

Interested candidates should email their resume outlining educational experience to meridianhillscooperative@gmail.com by Sunday, February 21.
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