7171 N Pennsylvania St, Indianapolis, IN 46240

A Cooperative Preschool Established in 1960



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During a recent trip to London, and a quick trip down to see the Jurassic Coast, with my two teenagers, I had a heartwarming reminder of just how important play and curiosity are. We spent a lovely day in West Bay, where I noticed my 13-year-old daughter had pulled out her small catapult souvenir. Watching her and my son, I […]
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Do you remember your first day at preschool or kindergarten? You probably were nervous and excited–and a bit lonely and lost when your parent left. Even when returning to a familiar setting after summer vacation, children usually feel a bit intimidated. They may have a new teacher, there are new kids in the group, and maybe that special friend is […]
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I’m calling this “the last summer” even though it’s not. It’s the last summer before my oldest child enters high school. I already feel that the countdown to graduation is on and I know that four years are going to go so fast that I’ll be begging time to slow down. My kids are at camp this week and my […]
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It’s spring in Indiana–the clocks have all jumped forward giving us a little more sun in the evenings, the temperature is getting warmer, and the talk of vacations and trips after a long winter is on the minds of most.   But if you’re staying home for spring break it doesn’t mean you can’t have fun! Here are X ways […]
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As parents, we have so many opportunities to create in our children an awareness of numbers as part of everyday life– an exciting part as well as necessary! Here are easy ways to learn about numbers in everyday activities and through play!   Make your conversations rich with vocabulary–wonderings: I wonder if there’s a box this present can fit into…I […]
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Meridian Hills Cooperative Nursery School and Kindergarten seek a dynamic individual to serve as a preschool (2-3 year olds)  teacher. The ideal candidate has a strong foundation in the theory and application of play-based, progressive education in an early childhood setting. As the teacher, you will take the lead in arranging classroom spaces to maximize child-led engagement with books, art […]
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“Playful learning [where] children learn targeted information through exploration of a well-designed and structured environment … and through the support of adults who askopen-ended questions to gently guide the child’s exploration.” Kathy Hirsh-Pasek & Roberta Michnick Golinkoff   There are a lot of questions about how we prepare children for Kindergarten and First Grade through our model of play-based learning. […]
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The weather is cooling down and the leaves are turning. Fall is a fantastic time to take your preschoolers for a hike! Research shows that spending time in nature is healthy for body and soul. At Meridian Hills Co-Op, families are no strangers to enjoying the great outdoors and we’ve asked a few parents for tips and tricks to make […]
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A large part of what makes the co-op school experience unique is adult participation in our classes. Our families have the option to share their skills and talents to leave a special imprint on class activities. Our Kinderbirds (kindergarten) teacher, Mrs. Yordy, welcomes all ideas to enrich the classroom experience. So, when a Kinderbird mom wanted to share her weaving […]
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